Everything will work out the way it’s supposed to…

The title of this post is actually a quote from Eureka – the TV series. I had forgotten about it. I find this particularly funny as it’s a quote I usually live my life by.

I’m not sure why I had forgotten about it. It’s really just a motivator to keep telling myself that life isn’t so bad and like it says “everything will work out the way it’s supposed to”. The only reason why I remembered this quote, is because, I got annoyed with Facebook telling me to update me info so I gave in, updated my info and re-stumbled on it. Is re-stumbled even a word? I think not but I can’t be bothered checking.

For me right now, I feel I really need this. I have lost hope. I am losing hope and faith in humans. It took a friend telling me that she would have hope for me when I didn’t have it for myself. I really love her for it and I think it’s especially amazing to be blessed with people like that in my life. I actually have this hope for her as she is such a beautiful, loving person and I do hope that the most wonderful guy will one day see all these qualities she has. Funnily enough, upon saying that, she said that’s how she felt for me.

So although there can be real asshole type people in the world and I can be too trusting, nice and caring for people, I have been told to try and be selective to whom I am nice to. This is hard for me because I am nice to everyone until they prove that they are bad people. I guess I need to be more cautious – pretty sure that’s not the word I am looking for. Being burned is good because it sets me up to be stronger for next time. Or next time I won’t like the people who are obviously no good to begin with because I didn’t want to believe they would be that way.

I will sit here and ponder some more about how to be selective with  my niceness….





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