Social networking all the places

Man, it seems like forever since I last posted! I have to apologize as I have been addicted to an app called

It’s just a social network where people can post random videos (or informative ones) for the masses to see.

I can safely blame AJ from backstreet boys for this new addiction because if I wasn’t on twitter reading his tweets I would never have discovered it. I sing random songs for my friends and got onto the trend of posting bomb videos – another thing that AJ started – and it’s there to be fun.

You’re probably wondering what the hell is a bomb video? Basically it can be anything from putting a word or random words in front of “bomb” and filming it. So, AJ was driving in traffic in LA so he filmed a “traffic bomb” video. One of my favorite bombers is Leslie Fry and she stood next to a statue and said the words “statue bomb” so you kind of get the idea. It is completely random and you are meant to have fun with it. AJ then started the challenge of public bombing which is funny because if you bomb random people, then you are going to get a reaction out of people who won’t know what’s going on. Leslie Fry, I have to say has so much balls when she does this to people it makes me laugh so hard.

So, that’s where I have been this past week or so! My intention was never to leave my blog unattended, but when I get distracted by something I have an attention span of a 6 year old and get lost in my own little world. Work has been crazy lately so socialcam has given me an outlet to just be happy 🙂 I like to watch people be random and it’s right up my ally seeing as I run this random blog.

I am getting ideas to do Asian stereotype videos and it is going to be epic! If I can film other people in their stereotypes oh that would be so wonderful! So many ideas, not enough time! I have just been randomly bombing or singing but I might actually start vlogging on there and linking it here.

So I am going to leave you with one of my videos which I think I sung pretty decent in. For someone that doesn’t know how to sing I think I do ok. And I fit in with the karaoke stereotype nicely me thinks. Check it out and feel free to follow me and make requests on Socialcam, Twitter and Facebook because I am on ALL the major social networks and need to fill every second of time doing something good for the world. If I can bring a smile to your face then I know I am winning in life!

So call me maybe?

Such a bad pic but hey I get the message across! Go check it out!

Lush LiLi